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Bits of the Past

Introducing GeezerVision!


Geezervision on Substack: twice-a-week insights into life's daily dramas and what they reveal about aging gracefully.


Check out these recent posts:


What's in a Namesake?


In late 1944, the news came to my father's army base in England that Vivien Leigh, the beautiful, charismatic star of Gone With the Wind, would visit. . . .




Courtship by Rotary Phone


Dialing a rotary phone was a different tactile experience from the swipe and tap of a mobile device. For the benefit of those who never did it. . . .




Subway Romance


Forty odd years ago, a friend of mine stated a universally acknowledged truth: young New Yorkers like us always had one or more of three goals. . . .




Hope you have a look!

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